Beans and Your Diabetes Diet

Beans are a great protein source with one-half cup providing at least 6 to 8 grams of protein.

They are also a very low fat source, usually containing just 1-2 grams of fat per half cup serving size. The saturated fat count is very low and there is also no cholesterol found in these legume types of food. These legumes are only fattening if refried, used as a dip, or else baked. But otherwise, in their pure state, are one of the healthiest sources of nutrition.

These legume sources are also a slowly digested fiber and carbohydrate. Just a half a cup daily provides anywhere between five to eleven grams of fiber per each serving. They are a source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber will definitely has an effect on the gastrointestinal tract and will increase the bulk of stools. Therefore, it is a good natural source for helping constipation problems. Other benefits of these legumes is that they have shown to decrease cholesterol, which in turn helps heart disease.

There is also a type of sugar in small amounts inside this legume source of food. This sugar is called oligosaccharides. People do not have enzymes in the intestines to process this type of sugar, and therefore it causes gas problems. So when you soak the beans in water prior to cooking, it should help to decrease this sugar in the legume, and therefore avoid gas problems.

Another advantage to the consumption of legumes is your vitamin B source. Other vitamins they provide you with are folate, potassium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, selenium, copper, and iron. Phytochemicals found in these legumes protect the cells in the body from damage brought on by free radicals. So this food may also help lower cancer risks as a result.

These legumes come in many different types and sizes. Many are aold dried, and some are sold as sprouted or fresh.

Adzuki legumes are the red beans which are popular in Asian cuisines. They have a sweet taste with a soft texture, holding color well when cooking. You can buy them dry.

Black beans which are also referred to as cowpeas or black-eyed are medium in their size, oval shaped with a thin creamy white skin and a single black spot. These legumes have a very sharp flavor, very savory and light, with a smooth texture. You will usually see them in southern dishes.

Cannellini legumes are large and white, kidney shaped. They have a smooth texture and used in Italian dishes most frequently.

Fava legumes These are large oval, and green when fresh, but light brown when dried. They have tough skins and are creamy in texture. You would usually remove the tough skins before eating them.

Garbanzo legumes These are commonly called chickpeas, tan, medium in size, and round. The texture is very firm. They are most often used in soups and salads. Middle Eastern dishes use these legumes in hummus.

Great Northern legumes have a delicate flavor and are the large white legumes and are very flavorful used in involved recipes that have a long cooking time.

Kidney legumes have a rich flavor to them and are large, shaped like a kidney, coming in three colors. There are usually dark red, light red, and white. You most commonly see them in chili.

Lentils These have a spicy pepper flavor, and are shaped like a disk. Many different colors are available from green, brown, and red as the most commonly seen. You don't need to soak lentils and they cook in a short length of time.

Limas come in either large or baby. They are flat, and sold in many ways which can be frozen in a package, canned, and occasionally fresh.

Other types of legumes are pinto, navy, and red. The red legumes are like the kidney legume types and have a rich savory flavor to them. These red legumes make a tasty soup. The pinto type of legume is small in size and used in spanish dishes. The navy types of legume are small with an oval shape. These legumes are often used in baked beans and soups.