Diagnosed As A Newborn Baby

by Ellen-A Mother

My baby was fine until he was 4 months old. That is when he got his first cold. After two weeks of getting worse, losing weight, nursing every two hours (ouch), and becoming lethargic, he was finally admitted to the hospital. The doctors there ran every test they could think of and finally diagnosed him with Type I diabetes. He was in a classic stage of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).

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Apr 22, 2010
Newborn different diagnosis
by: Christy - A mother

Don't know how to get in contact with you. This is the same story as my son. Only, a year later, we found out it was not Type 1, but Neonatal Diabetes. It is caused by a genetic mutation and he is now on glyburide (a pill) instead of insulin. Check out neonataldiabetes.org or diabetesgenes.org if your baby was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes under the age of 1 year old. It may be treatable with pills instead of insulin and with much better blood sugar control.

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