An Emotional Type of Eater On The Way to Diabetes

by Patricia

I was an emotional eater and struggled to keep extra weight off for years. I tried everything to loose weight from Atkins to grapefruit. The years would pass and I would watch the scale move in the wrong direction. Yes, I was in a sea of yo-yo dieting and nearly gave up. At the age of thirty-eight I decided to go back to school and work on my brain since my body was not cooperating. Then one day I got my wake up call. After going to my doctor for a check-up he discovered my blood sugar was elevated. This was the first time I would be faced with the possibility of type two diabetes. My doctor told me if I did not get my blood sugar down I might need medication. Okay, what to do now? I noticed that one of the young girls in my college class was loosing a lot of weight and looking healthier. I decided to confide in her and ask her how she was loosing it. She told me about Weight Watchers. I couldn’t believe it. I thought Weight Watchers was for old ladies. She told me a lot of things about Weight Watchers that I didn’t know and I decided to give them a try. The first thing I realized after my first meeting was that I was eating the wrong foods. Restaurant food was the worst. A lot of them disguise their food as something healthy, when it’s really loaded with fat and calories. After following the Weight Watchers point system, I lost ten pounds the first month. That was six years ago and I have lost a total of twenty pounds and have kept it off. My blood sugar was back to normal in six weeks after starting Weight Watchers. They taught me how to eat real food and stay healthy.

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