Confused and in trouble

by John

I have type 2 diabetes and am currently off work for depression. I have had diabetes for a year now and started feeling depressed for 6 to 7 months. Just recently did I get help for this. the problem I have now is I made innapropriate comments to my 15 yr old step daughter and now have been charged. My family is everything to me and I have no idea why I even said anything to her. I'm thinking its the depression. Most of the stuff I supposedly said i dont even remember saying. So I now understand how depression can alter your thoughts or memory recall. Has anyone else had this or even heard of this as in memory recall or not thinking properly? I am now on medication and feel better next step is counseling to figure things out. I want to keep my family as I would be lost in every way without them.

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Feb 04, 2011
by: Jenny

Depression can be linked to type 2.

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