Diabetic with foot complications.....

by Mark

I have had diabetes for more than fifteen years. Before five years, my foot was torn by a stone and I had an injury. I underwent a minor surgery and was okay by that time. I was walking of my own normally. But now I face complications. One of the fingers of my foot does not have the blood circulation now and it turned black. So doctors removed that particular finger. Later we found that the next finger too lost the blood flow. It turned black and the second finger too was removed. Finally this happened for all the five fingers of my foot. Now I am unable to walk on my own. When I consulted a diabetic doctor ,he said that my heavy sugar level in blood was the reason for everything. So when there is a wound for a diabetic patient, it must be taken care of. This is an advice for all diabetic patients.

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Dec 30, 2010
by: Jim Porter

good information

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