Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Link Revealed

by Mary Parker

by maryparker

There is, in most cases, a link between Ovarian Cysts and PCOS. The full form of PCOS is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and it is basically a condition where the ovary develops a number of cysts. So, as one can see, there is similarity between Ovarian Cysts and PCOS except that, in the case of PCOS, the cysts developed are more than one.

The principal reason why PCOS form is thought to be because of irregularities that occur during ovulation. When such irregularities occur the normal body cycle generally becomes disturbed, causing either a surge or a drop in certain hormone production processes. This is what leads the ovaries to develop multiple cysts.

When PCOS or Ovarian Cysts form in a female, she has to contend with several problematic conditions. The primary one could be lack of ovulation but this is also accompanied by conditions where there is a disruption of the menstrual cycle; where there is an abnormal sprouting of hair; also baldness, acne or obesity. These conditions are almost always caused by an upsurge in the androgen level. Androgen is commonly referred to as the male hormone. Another unfortunate though temporary situation which arises because of PCOS is that the concerned woman is rendered infertile.

PCOS and ovarian cysts which form in older women or those who are menopausal, tend to be cancerous so it is strongly advised that slightly older women undergo regular checks to detect traces of cancer.

Causes for Ovarian Cysts and PCOS

What exactly causes PCOS is not known for sure, but studies indicate that they are caused when follicles containing the immature ovum get damaged. This usually happens when women are exposed, in some way, to toxins that are chemical in nature and which are referred to by the term xenobiotics. These chemicals do more than just cause damage to the egg follicle. They drastically affect the process of production of female hormones or progesterone.

Cure for Ovarian Cysts and PCOS

Doctors generally prescribe certain medicines to people suffering from PCOS or ovarian cysts. However, these medications, for the most part, are only prescribed for balancing hormonal levels and are themselves made up of chemical hormones. So the moment you stop taking these medicines, there is a good chance that your ovulation will become irregular once again. A holistic approach to the treatment of these conditions should therefore be worked out.

It is precisely with this in mind that many doctors these days suggest a dietary plan to their patients. We share with you some elements of the diet prescribed for sufferers from ovarian cysts and PCOS.

1. It is suggested that you should keep away from fatty foods. But that is not to say that you should cut down your intake of fats or carbohydrates drastically. Your diet must contain 20-30% of fats.

2. Choose foods of a high quality and do not eat food that has been chemically treated, preserved foods or foodstuff which is fabricated. It is always better to consume foods which have been grown naturally and organically.

3. As much as is possible, try and eat raw vegetables and stay away from starchy vegetables. See if you can cut down your intake of soy and dairy products and also of food grains.

4. Be careful to see that if you are eating seafood, it is not contaminated in any way and that it is the fresh water variety. As for meat, experts advise you to eat organic meat from animals fed on lean grass.

5. Do not overindulge on vegetables and fruits which are sugary. Again, you should stay away from preserved or tinned varieties and try to eat freshly cut vegetables and fruits.

There are other factors as well which you should consider while working out your diet plan for keeping PCOS and ovarian cysts at bay. But whichever diet you adopt, consult your doctor first. This is important especially if you suffer from other medical conditions apart from PCOS and ovarian cysts or if you happen to be allergic to anything. Do also take care to see that you and your doctor work out the treatment method according to the holistic approach so that the root cause of the PCOS and ovarian cysts get treated ensuring their permanent cure.

As a matter of fact, diet is an important component of the holistic form of treatment because this school of healing believes that dietary conditions which are not good can be a root cause for contracting ovarian cysts and PCOS. But diet forms only a portion of the treatment and other root causes which may be there must also be treated. These could be toxin collections in the digestive and body tract, obesity, genetic causes and an immune system that is weak, among other things.

Therefore, all such causes will be tackled while dealing with PCOS and ovarian cysts in the holistic approach to their treatment instead of simply increasing levels of any particular hormone.

About the Author

Mary Parker is an author of the best-selling e-book, "Ovarian Cysts No More- The Secrets Of Curing Ovarian Cysts Holistically". To Learn More About Her Unique 3-Step Holistic Ovarian Cysts Cure System Visit: Ovarian Cysts No More . For further information visit: Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Link Revealed - Article Source: Content for Reprint

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Feb 26, 2013
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